Sunday, December 14, 2008

Microscopes !

Processing crime scenes is just the initial step in crime-busting operations, and the real hard word stays in the laboratory. This calls for criminological microscope, accessories and the best crime-solving minds in the task force.
The need for efficient and accurate crime scene investigators is one aspect of criminology and forensic science. Carrying the tedious task of investigating even the minutest detail in hair cuticles to blood stains, the investigators need appropriate instruments to aid them in solving the puzzle.
Ordinary compound microscopes can be used in investigating microscopic evidences in the laboratory. But the precision of a much high tech version of microscopes can double the efficiency and ease in magnifying the specimens.
The need for quick, efficient and accurate microscope has brought about the evolution of criminological microscopes. These microscopes offer effortless but reliable results that meet the needs of the crime lab.

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